Giving Back
Since our October 2022 launch, we have been honoured to hold a number of events where we've donated a percentage of our total sales to a good cause. This is something we’d really like to continue doing into the future. If you have a really good cause that you are keen to raise money for, we’d love to hear from you and invite you to submit details of your proposed fundraiser for our consideration via the form below.
Here are details of funds we have donated to date:
The education of now 8 year old Balinese first cousins, Surya (left) and Gadis. We have become very close to the children's families and this is an ongoing cause supported by BOLD. The total amount raised to support them to date = $9079 (June 2022 - present)
The Woorndoo Victoria Football and Netball Club = $280 (December 2022)
The Jodi Lee Foundation, raising awareness for the prevention and early detection of bowl cancer = $1222 (October, 2022)
Once you have submitted these details to us, please allow 48 hours for us to get back to you to discuss your proposed event with you further.